Same Day Lavender Cube Vase (Premium Shown)


Same Day Lavender Cube Vase (Premium Shown) This For your Mom, Sweetheart or business friend. This Bouquet is made with lavender andwhite flowers to make a bouquet for spring offers a beautiful style for your recipient to adore. The flowers that are including are white roses, lavender stock, lavender mums and purple monti. This arrangement is perfectly brought together in a clear glass vase. This arrangement has a beautiful presentation that makes an excellent gift for a birthday, anniversary, thank you, or any special occasion this season. Similar flowers and containers may vary due to availability of season. Substitutions may also vary to assure the freshest quality of flowers for a longer lasting bouquet. FBFLA-12

Monday to Friday: Order by 2pm CST for Same Day Flower Delivery

Saturdays: Order by 12pm CST for Same Day Flower Delivery

Each bouquet will arrive with flower care instructions. Please note, certain fragile products are available for a local delivery only.

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