Same Day Devotion So Sweet Bouquet


Same Day Devotion So Sweet Bouquet Devotion so sweet bouquet is an enchanting bouquet that offers a combination of the soft petals of white roses, the very fragrant stalks of purple and lavender flowers, and purple daisy, and much more! Arranged to perfection within an attractive modern cube glass vase, this gorgeous flower bouquet is ready to create a special birthday, anniversary, get well or thinking of you moment! IDS-F10 Deluxe Shown Similar flowers and containers may vary due to availability of season. Substitutions may also vary to assure the freshest quality of flowers for a longer lasting bouquet.

Monday to Friday: Order by 2pm CST for Same Day Flower Delivery

Saturdays: Order by 12pm CST for Same Day Flower Delivery

Each bouquet will arrive with flower care instructions. Please note, certain fragile products are available for a local delivery only.