Our lavender roses with mixed filler and greens in a glass vase makes a memorable gift that will definitely impress the receiver with these rose flowers. Our purple roses from Florals By Steen & glass vase gift features an array of the freshest lavender roses, along with luscious green foliage, arranged in a gorgeous glass vase, which makes a lovely keepsake. Our purple roses are fresh, gorgeous and impressive. Everything you want in a gift!
Dozen Lavender Roses Bliss
$119.99 Original price was: $119.99.$109.99Current price is: $109.99.
Dozen Lavender Roses Bliss
Monday to Friday: Order by 2pm CST for Same Day Flower Delivery
Saturdays: Order by 12pm CST for Same Day Flower Delivery
Each bouquet will arrive with flower care instructions. Please note, certain fragile products are available for a local delivery only.
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